Why You Don't Want Your Novel Adapted Into a Movie

Why You Don't Want Your Novel Adapted Into a Movie

For many authors seeing their work go from fiction to film sounds nothing short of a dream. This appeal is not unfounded – how awesome would it be for more people to come in contact with your story? To see your story brought to life? To hear those biting conversations you wrote and painful exclamations become fully realized?

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The Ultimate Trick to Crafting Complex Characters

The Ultimate Trick to Crafting Complex Characters

At the heart of a great story almost always lies a great character. While there are of course exceptions in which the setting or the plot carry the narrative, in most circumstances a great story isn’t without a stand-out character or two.

Because of this, all writers devote time to crafting characters with the hopes that they are unique and memorable.

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What You’re Forgetting in Your Screenplay – Worldbuilding

What You’re Forgetting in Your Screenplay – Worldbuilding

When it comes to worldbuilding, I must admit, I usually neglect it, be it on this blog, where I rarely even mention it, or in my own screenplays. Instead, I'm all about characters and getting them "right" so that often I completely forget to think about the world. 

For a while, I assumed this was okay and that I was just writing in "reality" – especially for my films. But after reading Morgan's article of worldbuilding I came to quickly realize that all of my favorite movies have a deep layer of worldbuilding, I just wasn't seeing it! In fact, I was often mistaking this worldbuilding for "style."

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5 Scenes to Add to the Second Act of Your Script

5 Scenes to Add to the Second Act of Your Script

Without a doubt, writing the second act of any type of story is incredibly difficult, but writing the second act of screenplay is often even harder simply because every single scene must count. There is no time for dawdling plots or loitering characters – everything must either move the plot forward or reveal information about the character.

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How to Write Stories Outside of Your Comfort Zone

How to Write Stories Outside of Your Comfort Zone

One of the easiest traps to fall into as an emerging storyteller is the one you set for yourself – the writer’s comfort zone. The reason for this is simple to understand. As beginning writers, we are obsessed with the idea that we are not “good enough” or still have “so much to learn” that instead of treasuring that new perspective, we focus completely on developing and improving our work.

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