How to Do NaNoWriMo Even When You Have a Full-Time Job

How to Do NaNoWriMo Even When You Have a Full-Time Job

It’s that time of year again when writers around the world prepare for NaNoWriMo – otherwise known as “National Novel Writing Month.” Taking place in November, NaNoWriMo challenges writers of all experiences to write an entire novel (or novella) in one month’s time, averaging about 1,667 words per day.

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How to Have the Most Productive Writing Week of Your Life

How to Have the Most Productive Writing Week of Your Life

Without a doubt, the number one thing I hear discussed amongst writers is the question of how to be productive. I get emails about this constantly. “How do I keep writing?” “How do I finish my novel?”

The answer to these questions has never been a satisfactory one. I always just tell people the age-old adage that if they want to be a novelist or a screenwriter, the one and only thing they need to do is write.

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Playwriting vs. Screenwriting: What's the Difference?

Playwriting vs. Screenwriting: What's the Difference?

To many people, a play and a movie are strikingly similar in how they tell stories. In fact, many plays are adapted into movies almost seamlessly, it’s a wonder the two aren’t interchangeable.

However, if you are someone looking to write a play or a movie and you’re not sure which to pick, just randomly selecting to write a play because you think it will be easily adapted into a movie is not only a poor idea, but will limit your creativity as a storyteller.

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Why You Don't Want Your Novel Adapted Into a Movie

Why You Don't Want Your Novel Adapted Into a Movie

For many authors seeing their work go from fiction to film sounds nothing short of a dream. This appeal is not unfounded – how awesome would it be for more people to come in contact with your story? To see your story brought to life? To hear those biting conversations you wrote and painful exclamations become fully realized?

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The Ultimate Trick to Crafting Complex Characters

The Ultimate Trick to Crafting Complex Characters

At the heart of a great story almost always lies a great character. While there are of course exceptions in which the setting or the plot carry the narrative, in most circumstances a great story isn’t without a stand-out character or two.

Because of this, all writers devote time to crafting characters with the hopes that they are unique and memorable.

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